Free Me from OCD

The Free Me from OCD Blog

OCD and Shame anxiety diagnose ocd freemefromocd managing ocd mentalhealth mentalhealthawareness overcoming ocd self blame shame Aug 05, 2022

Do you remember the movie Wayne’s World? In one scene, Alice Copper invites Wayne and Garth to hang out with him.  Our protagonists drop to their knees, saying,  “We’re not worthy. We’re scum. We suck.”


That’s shame in action.



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How to Manage Embarrassment, Blame Guilt and Shame 1 of 3 disease management guilt managing ocd mentalhealth mentalhealthawareness overcoming ocd self blame shame Mar 13, 2022

We all have a deep longing to be seen and accepted for who we are. 

If you have a child learning to manage OCD, you know this is a tall order. One of the big worries is, “What would people think about me if they could see my life?“

Your child might wonder: Would you be my...

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5 Things Your Kid with OCD Wants You to Know knowocd mental health awareness mentalhealth ocd ocd parenting understandingocd Feb 28, 2022

How well do you understand what day-to-day life is like for your son or daughter learning to manage Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? 

Here are some things that might get in the way of your ability to put your finger on the pulse of your child's life, especially if your child first experiences...

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Is OCD Real? #overcomingocd compulsions diagnose ocd free obsessions ocd brain wiring ocd myths ocd real or fake Jan 20, 2022

One day I went to visit a friend who had just moved into a new house. She said, “I’ve got to show you something.” She tool me up to her bedroom and opened her husband’s sock drawer. I saw perfectly folded pairs of socks fanned in neat rows organized by color.  She...

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OCD Parenting Lesson from My Dog Trainers blame freemefromocd managing ocd mental health mentalhealthawareness ocd parenting overcoming ocd understandingocd Jan 13, 2022

 I’m an animal lover. For most of my life I’ve had cats and fish and bunnies. When my son was in preschool, he launched a campaign to persuade me to adopt a dog. 

Even though my son’s official OCD symptoms did not emerge until he was about 17, he popped out the womb...

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