Free Me from OCD

The Free Me from OCD Blog

What To Do When Your Kids Are Disappointed anxiety coping with ocd disappointment freemefromocd mental health mental health awareness ocd danger ocd myths ocd parenting ocd real or fake Apr 10, 2024

What you say and what you do can make a huge difference for your child. In fact, you can give them skills that will set them up for a life of success.

Let’s kick this conversation off with a story. 

When my son was in Little League, I set a goal of attending all of his games. Then I...

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Unraveling Trauma coping with ocd dealing with trauma feelings about ocd freemefromocd managng ocd mental health mental health awareness ocd brain wiring ocd danger ocd parenting trauma Apr 10, 2024

Just a few months before Hurricane Katrina struck, my house burned down. A switch that kept my dryer from overheating failed, and the fire that started in the laundry room quickly spread. I stood across the street and watched flames consume my home and its contents.


My 8-year-old son...

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OCD's #1 Question: "Am I safe, am I in danger or am I gonna die? #overcomingocd anxiety caregiver managing ocd managing thoughts mental health mental health awareness ocd danger ocd warrior Apr 10, 2024

Einstein is reported to have said, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe.” 


OCD shifts your beliefs about your safety and your danger. And that changes your life. 


Let’s say there’s a...

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